Saturday, May 30, 2009

Marriage is a covenant

From - Marriage:Questions Women Ask;

Marriage is a covenant relationship - not a contract. By covenant, I mean marriage is a permanent commitment of two people. Genesis 2:24 "A man will leave his father and mother, and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh"

1. Write down all the things you expect from your spouse, why you expedt those things, and think how you would feel if your husband said he expected the same things from you?

2. Write three things that first attracted you to your spouce, three more things that you have come to appreciate during your marriage, List ways you've changed and have you husband do the same then share.

3. Write yourself a contract that pinpoints one area of conflict resolution you need to work on and determine to make a change. For instance, your contract might read, "i hereby resolve never to bring up a problem when we're both tired." Date it and sign it. When you've got one area under control, move on to something else.

4. Make a list of your husbands positeve traits. Remind yourself of them when you get frustrated with his weaknesses.

What if your husband won't go to counseling? Counseling can still be beneficial if a woman goes alonge, tell him saving your marriage is your motivation for going, that you understand he's uncomfortable with it but that your concerned about your marriage, that you want to see if you can find some answers or at least raise some good questions. A counseler can help u see beyond the fog. Christian counselors are preferable because they can draw from the Bible and bring its principles to bear on your particular situation.

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