Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Fear of the Lord - John Bevere

Pg 21:
"... and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man. - Romans 1:23
Again e see the one true God's glorious image reduced. This time it is not to a calf but rather to the image of corruptible man. Israel was surrounded by a society that worshiped golden images in the likenesses of animals and insects. The modern-day curch is surrounded by a culture that worships man. ... We have served God in the image we have made."

Wow the idea that we have attempted to make God over in our image and pick and choose what we want from him, so instead of worshiping and believing in our Lord and Savior we're doing such to another entity that we completely made up. Best make sure your understandings and beliefs come straight from the good book.

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